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Mar 16, 2017· VERCOM vous présente son broyeur forestier à marteaux fixes PICURSA COMBAT 2600 avec rabatteur hydraulique muni de crochets. Pour tracteur de 350 CV à 500CV.
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Broyeur de branches - La Baronnière, 72200 Bazouges-Sur-Le-Loir, Pays De La Loire, France - Rated 4 based on 3 Reviews "jai besoin ce materiele ergente"
Le robot à chenilles existant a été modifié et il lui a été ajouté un collecteur, un broyeur, un agitateur amélioré et un groupe motopompe hydraulique. The existing deep sea crawler was being modified with the addition of a collector, crusher, enhanced slurry pump and hydraulic power pack ...
The agitator cooling with the newly-developed Neos grinding system stands for maximum performance, product quality and efficiency. Coupled with the reliable use of extremely small grinding media, you can achieve your required product quality with high production output and low specific energy consumption.
Shredder machine. The shredder is the backbone of Precious Plastic. Thanks to this machine we can shred bigger plastic objects into small flakes.