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The village of Pocasset is a census-designated place (CDP) in the town of Bourne in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States, located on Buzzards Bay.The population was 2,851 at the 2010 census.
An easy stroll through the breathtakingly beautiful Lower Otter Valley with its wonderful diversity of wildlife. The valley is managed as a nature reserve, and there are hides and viewing platforms along the river, as well as an abundance of information en route. Look out for dragonflies and kingfishers, moths and butterflies, frogs and fish, ducks and waders.
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Starting in 1300, the street that would become Rathausgasse and Postgasse was known as Hormansgasse or Hormatsgasse. The Horman family, the origin of the name, lived in Bern from 1224-1326. The Horman family, the origin of the name, lived in Bern from 1224-1326.
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