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Lorden's Patent Dryblower | Western Australian Museum

The Patent Cradle Dryblower, invented by Stephen Lorden and John Banfield in 1893 in Western Australia, revolutionised life for gold prospectors. Three hundred were sold in the first year of production.

Dryblower . - Columnist, MiningNews - Aspermont ...

Dryblower is a journalist who covers controversial issues in mining, in his weekly column at Mining News (), the most comprehensive mining industry news website, which provides up to date information to miners, suppliers, industry investors and others.


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Keen Gold Rock Crusher For Sale - africairrigation.co.za

Keen Gold Rock Crusher à Vendre - ettoremajorana por le rock crusher for gold prospecting for sale. Small Rock Crusher Keen. keen gold rock crusherkeene crusher for saleed gold mining rock used rock crusher for sale by ownered por le rock crusher for sale .

Prospecting Supplies. Dryblower

High velocity air passes through the concentrator creating an electrostatic charge to attract gold and other metalliferous values. The hot air from the engine is ducted into the radial blower, preheating the air and concentrator to 50 degrees above ambient making it possibble to process a higher capacity of material and increases the electrostatic charge.

Prospecting Supplies. Dryblower -Australian made

Dryblower -Australian made and powder coated This Australian made dryblower is beautifully made- better constructed and larger than similar USA made units. The upper sluice has an adjustable opening where the gravels drop down onto the lower sluice which has electrostatic fabric under the riffles through which the air blows .